Evan Goldstein

Evan Goldstein

Research Scientist at UNCG

A network of cameras overlooking the coast in several US east coast locations, run by NOAA NOS.

Dataset Name: NOAA NOS Web Camera Applications Testbed (WebCAT)
Dataset DOI/URL: https://secoora.org/webcat/
Dataset descriptor article: Dusek et al., 2019
Dataset API: No API, but wget request format to access archival imagery can be seen on the WebCAT page.
Code to work with data: PyWebCAT, for python and shell CLI.
Example uses of dataset:
SurfRCaT from Matt Conlin for rectifying images.
PyWebCAT has example notebooks.
Some Labels for video frames that show wave-scarp collision from WebCAT are available here.
Previous work by students at UNCW and Dr. Joe Long on runup elevations can be seen in this repository, from the data challenge

This dataset could be used for examining several coastal processes, from physical studies (runup, rip currents), to ecological work (dune grass growth) in a variety of settings.