NOAA C-CAP Coastal Change Analysis Program

Anna Braswell
Assistant Professor, University of FloridaLand cover and land cover change data from NOAA DigitalCoast.
Dataset Name: C-CAP Regional Land Cover and Change
Dataset DOI/URL:
Dataset descriptor article:
Dataset API: Bulk Download available here:
Code to work with data:
Example uses of dataset: Crooks et al. 2018,; Gittman et al. 2019,
This datasets gives multiple years of land cover for the Coastal Zone Management boundaries at 30 meter resolution, standardizing methods and procedures across geography and years. The dates available for this dataset include: 2016, 2011, 2001, 1996, 1985, and 1975. The data are produced from remotely sensed Landsat imagery. This dataset is a good source for determining land cover for particular time points, as well as looking at land use change along the coastline.