HISDAC-US Built Up Intensity
Caitlin Mc Shane
Graduate Student, CU BoulderHistorical gridded settlement for US
The Historical Settlement Data Compilation for the United States (HISDAC-US) contains historical gridded settlement layers derived from property records compiled in the Zillow Transaction and Assessment Dataset (ZTRAX). HISDAC-US describes the built environment of most of the conterminous United States back to 1810 at fine temporal (5 years) and spatial (250 m) granularity using different settlement measures. These measures include the number of built-up property records and property locations or the built-up intensity (BUI), or the sum of gross indoor area of all built-up properties in a grid cell in a given year. A secondary data product is included in this package that is a gridded surface indicating the earliest construction year on record. Additionally, uncertainty layers have been provided to estimate the impact of stochastic elements within the data.
Dataset Name: Built Up Intensity (BUI) & First Built Up Year (FBUY)
Dataset DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/1WB9E4
Dataset descriptor article: : Leyk, Stefan; Uhl, Johannes H., 2018, "HISDAC-US: Historical Settlement Data Compilation for the Conterminous United States Over 200 Years," Scientific Data 5:180175, https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.175
Dataset API: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/1WB9E4
Example uses of dataset: HISDAC-US can be used as a new means of understanding the speed, spread, and nature of urbanization in the United States from 1810 to 2015. These data can also be used to examine ecological impacts of built up areas, risk and exposure to natural hazards, climate impacts of urbanization, and vulnerability studies.